Posted on January 24 2021
Influential, eye-catching and innovative, VELVIERE is more than just fashion; it’s a lifestyle statement for fashionable men everywhere. Taking inspiration from some of the biggest fashion houses, VELVIERE aims to shift the paradigm that says the staples for men’s fashion should be black and grey. A whole ten months into the current pandemic and we couldn't agree more! Safe dressing doesn't cut it anymore. The compulsion to declutter and redecorate our homes like magpies as a means of insulation against the anxiety and stress we now face on a daily basis has easily extended to our wardrobes bringing with it a generous splash of colour! At VELVIERE, life is best dressed in colour, and we couldn’t agree more!
From conception in their London studio to your wardrobe via MYSTYLISTLONDON, every care is taken to provide you with something unique and something special. A desire and strive for excellence is considered in every part of the fashion journey. Perfect for the man who exudes confidence and is willing to experiment with their individual style, VELVIERE products are designed to make a statement. The new voice of modern and luxury men’s fashion is shouting, ‘don’t just fit in, stand out!’
“Black excellence is being proactive in creating opportunities for the next generation. No matter how big or small you may think you are, you have a circle of influence and people are looking up to you, work on setting a positive example.” - Jide Co- founder VELVIERE
VELVIERE founders, Clifford, Denis, Jide and Gerald are the brains behind the luxury menswear collection that was initiated on a group birthday trip to Vietnam. After visiting a tailor to get some bespoke pieces made, they collectively came up with the idea to create their own fashion line. After connecting with a manufacturer, the brand was born.
Some of the biggest consumers of menswear are actually women, and whilst VELVIERE mainly delivers for the male population, they acknowledge that the cut, style and colours of their pieces are open for females to wear too. Another great reason why we welcomed their collaboration with MYSTYLISTLONDON.

VELVIERE focuses, and continues to do so, on being both socially and environmentally friendly, taking the utmost consideration when selecting suppliers. This is incredibly important in the current climate, and something to be celebrated.
As of 2020, all materials are provided by a carefully-selected single supplier, collating the best fabrics in Asia, predominantly the South Korea fabric market. VELVIERE’s supplier is 100% transparent in its management and commercial relations, providing the transparency and accountability needed to be ethical. They continue to make progress towards carrying fabric products from sustainably managed sources, minimising the impact of waste stream on the environment, and prioritising buying products made from sustainable managed raw materials. If only all the big fashion houses followed the same standards!
Want to know more details of the high-standard of products VELVIERE have created? Look no further than their Berkley blazer. A classic double-breasted blazer with a tailor cut, it really represents the classy and luxurious vibe of VELVIERE. With broad lapels and slightly padded shoulders that accentuate the tapered waist, the Berkley blazer can be worn with smart tailoring or a relaxed casual look. Pair with tailored high-waisted off-white Ivory trousers for a distinguished tailored look. Who said menswear has to be boring?!
Expect more bold and brave products and designs from VELVIERE. Having seen the success of their first collection since launching in 2019, they are building a brand of committed founders providing a customer-centric focus with products that uphold the highest fashion standards of quality and innovation. Exactly what the men’s fashion world was craving.
We certainly take pride in listing each VELVIERE piece as part of our MODERN MAN COLLECTION, and we’re thrilled you have fallen in love with them too! This is not goodbye, this is see you later. Although this is our VELVIERE's last week on MYSTYLIST LONDON, you can always hop on over to their site and keep up to date with sample sales and most importantly, be the first to know when their next collection drops!